PhotoResearcher No. 17|2012

The Dialectic of the Visible/Invisible: Science and Photography


Uwe Schögl, Ulla Fischer-Westhauser


Nadja Lenz
The Hidden Image: Latency in Photography and Cryptography in the 19th Century

Carmen Pérez González
Selene’s Visible Face: Lunar Cartography and 19th Century Astronomical Photography

Katharina Steidl
Leaf Prints. Early Cameraless Photography and Botany

Ulla Fischer-Westhauser
Cyanotype Micrographs: Scientific Interests or Visual Pleasure

Heidemarie Halbritter and Michael Hesse
Aesthetics of the Invisible. Pollen Grains as Art Forms of Nature

Kelley Wilder
Making Science Visible: The 1937 PSA Photography Exhibition

Jennifer Tucker
Philip O. Gravelle and the Origins of Macrophotography in American Scientific Consulting and Corporate Advertising, 1920—1935

Heinz-Michael Jostmeier and Christoph Schaden
Tricycles in the Desert Sand. Observations on the Phenomenon of Computer Generated Images

Allan Porter in Interview with Anna Auer
Voyager between the Art Worlds

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