18 April 1997, Free University Brussels, in collaboration with Higher Institute for Fine Arts and ESHPh Belgium, Brussels/BE
Willem Elias, Free University of Brussels
»Philosophy and photography«
Valérie Picaudé, Ecole National Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris
»Looking at photography«
Johan Swinnen, Higher Institute for Fine Arts – Flanders, Antwerp
»Reflecting on photo-philosophy«
Jan Simons, University of Amsterdam
»Metaphors we watch by: How We Think Photography«
André Gunthert, Société Française de Photographie, Paris
»La photographie, laboratoire d’une histoire de la modernité«
Henri Vanlier, author of Histoire de la Photographie and Philosophie de la Photographie
»Photography and anthropogeny – From granular images to indexed indices«
Annette W. Balkema and Henk Slager, Global Vernunft, Amsterdam
»The Photographic Paradigm«