10 Years Jubilee of the ESHPh
23—25 September 1988, Provinci aal Museum voor Fotografie, Antwerp/BE
23 September
Werner Neite, Historisches Museum der Stadt Köln
Introduction to the exhibition ‘Photography as Book Illustration´
24 September
Chairman: Roger Coenen, General Secretary of the ESHPh
Anna Auer, Board of the Photographic Society of Vienna
»Trude Fleischmann: Vienna in the thirties«
Pierre Cordier, photographer, artist, Brussels
»Le Chimigramme«
Branibor Debeljkovic, photographer, author, Belgrad
»Anastas Jovanovic: Ein unbekannter serbischer Talbotypist«
Irwin Dermer, photographer, Zürich
»Image development and conservation«
Johan De Zoete, Johan Enschede Museum, Al Haarlem
»From Niépce to Meisenbach – A demanding investigation«
Michael Gray, Head of Photographic Studies, Faculty of Art & Music, BCHE, Bath
»The Photographic Ritual«
Chairman: Margarete Harker
Malcolm Horward, Curator of the East Anglian Photographic Collection, University of East Anglia, Norwich
»Historical Film and Plate Speed System«
Julie Lawson, Research Assistant, Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh
»The Accomplished Amateurs«
Audrey Linkman, Manchester Polytechnic
»Itinerant Photographers in nineteenth century Britain«
Melinda B. Parsons, Assistant Professor in Art History, Memphis State University
»›A Terrible Truthfulness‹: Modernity and Modernism in Barnard Shaw’s
Writing on Photography, 1880-1920«
Claudia Gabriele Philipp, Lecturer, University Trier und Fachhochschule Bielefeld
»Zur Interpretation von August Sanders Projekt `Menschen des 20. Jahrhunderts’«
Gunther Waibl, Independent writer, editor at the RAI-Television, Bolzano
»Pflug gegen Strommasten – Fotosprache als politisches Instrument in Südtirol 1919-1945«
Karl Steinorth, Head of the Kodak Press Information Office, Stuttgart
»Aus den Kindertagen: der Schnappschuss Fotografie«
25 September
Chairman: Laurent Roosens
Franco Bonilauri, Instituo per il Beni Culturali e Naturali van de Italiaance provincie Emilia-Romagna, Bologna
»Lo spazio grafico – fotografico in Piranesi e in Alinari«
William Buchanan, Head of the School of Fine Art, Glasgow School of Art
»James Craig Annan in The Netherlands, 1882«
Jose Manuel Torres, Barcelona
»Le docteur Giné et les origines de la photographie hospitalière à Barcelone«
Larry Schaaf, Carnegie Research Fellow at the University St Andrews, independent researcher, writer and consul tant, Baltimore
»William Henry Fox Talbot’s Pencil of Nature: History and Craft«
Steven F. Joseph, depuis 1985, rédacteur au sein du programme ESPRIT à la commission des Communautés Européennes
»From Michiels to Marissiaux: Photography and the book in Belgium in the Nineteenth century«
Mark Van Gyseghem, researcher, author, Gent
»Social-Photography in Ghent after 1900«
Laurent Roosens, Antwerp
»Albrecht Breyer. De eerste reflectografie en haar verdere ontwikkeling«