28 September 1989, Department of Design and Crafts, Gothenburg/SE
29 September
A. D. Coleman, photographic critic for the New York Observer, and commentator on photography for National Public Radio, New York
»(Re) Making History: The Social Construction of Photography«
Weston Naef, curator of Photographs at The J. Paul Getty Museum, Malibu
»Truth is beauty, beauty truth: a Survey of 150 Years of Photography«
Ulrich Pohlmann, art/photo historian, Munich
»The History of Photographic Exhibitions: Photography between Art, Industry And Propaganda«
Jan Erik Lundström, photographer, lecturer and author, Öjebyn
»Photography and the Mirror of Culture – the Histories of Photography«
J. A. Schmoll gen. Eisenwerth, art historian, Munich
»Relations between Art and Photography – some Aspects«
Ingeborg Leijerzapf, art historian, University Leiden
»Photo History Research at the Leiden University«
Jane Carmichael, Imperial War Museum, London
»First World War Photographers«
Peeter Tooming, Director-cameraman of documentaries at Tallin Film Studio, Estonia, International Advisory Board of the journal History of Photography
»The History of Photography in Estonia«
30 September 1989
Rune Hassner, (Founding Member of the ESHPh, 1977), Vice-President of the ESHPh, photographer, director and curator of the Hasselblad Centre in Göteborg
»USSR in Construction, the Russian pioneer picture magazine of the 1930s«
Karl Steinorth, Board of the ESHPh, Head of Kodak’s Public Relations Department, Stuttgart
»The ‘Film and Foto’ Exhibition in Germany in 1929«
Philip Stokes, Senior Lecturer, Department of Visual Arts, Trent Polytechnic, Nottingham
»Photographs as Cultural Nexus: the work of Edward Cahen«
Margaret Harker-Farrand, President of the ESHPh, Chairman of the Photographer’s Gallery
»Pluralism in the Historiography of Photography«
Lennart Nilsson, photographer, Honorary Doctor of Medicine in Stockholm
»Photographing the Invisible«
Helmut Gernsheim, collector, writer and lecturer, Honorary Member of the ESHPh, Castagnola
»Nicéphore Niépce, Inventor of Photography«