18th International Symposium

Photography and Research in Austria – Vienna, the Door to the European East

20 to 22 June 2001, Austrian National Library, Vienna/AT

Photo: Viktor Kabelka, Vienna. From left to right: Johan Swinnen – Vice-President of the ESHPh, Free University of Bruxelles (B), Anna Auer – President of the ESHPh, Vienna (A), Allan D. Coleman – Photography critic and historian, New York (USA) Roger Erlandsen – Head, National Institute for Historical Photography, Oslo (N)


20 June 2001

Milanka Todic, Professor at the Faculty of Applied Art, Belgrade
»Anastas Jovanovic – Calotype Portraits and Cityscape«

Károly Kincses, Director of the Hungarian Museum of Photography in Kecskemet
»Ferenc Veress – A polymath photographer from Clausenburg. A photographer beyond boundaries«

Barbara Schaukal, historian, scientific civil service at the Landesmuseum Joanneum, Bild- und Tonarchiv, Graz
»Sebastianutti & Benque: Five Photographers – Four Generations. Three Continents«

Antonín Dufek, Curator of Photography at the Moravscá galerie in Brno
»By 1918 – Paths from and to Vienna«

Eva Dahlmann, Head of the Section/Curator at the Centre for Cultural-Historical Photography, The Swedish Secretariat for Photographic Collection at the Nordisk a Museet, Stockholm
»The Dream of Jerusalem – The Swedish Photographer Lewis Larrson and the American Colony Photographers«

Alexsander Bassin, Director of City Art Museum Ljubljana, Slovenia
»150 Years of Slovenian Photography – From the Inventor Janez Puhar to the Studio Photography, Activities in the Clubs and the Social Position of Photography«

21 June 2001

András Török, Director of the Hungarian House of Photography, the Manó Mai House, Budapest
»The Legacy of Manó Mai, K&K Photographer (1855–1917)«

Ulla Fischer-Westhauser, historian, Austrian National Library (Picture Archive), Vienna
»Court Photographers – photographers for the Court?«

Uwe Schögl, Curator of Photography of the Picture Archive of the Austrian National Library, Vienna
»Heinrich Kühn and the Autochromes«

Thomas Freiler, artist/photographer, Professor an der Universität für angewandte Kunst in Vienna
»The Legacy of Josef Maria Eder collected in the ‚Weinstadtmuseum’ Krems«

Monika Faber, Photographic Collection Albertina, Vienna
»Inventing the Interdependency of Science and Art – Heinrich Schwarz’s early writings«

Timm Starl, photo historian, editor of Fotogeschichte, Vienna
»Austrian Photographic Data Bank 1839–1918«

Lena Johannesson, Professor Ordinarius at the Department of Art History and Visual Studies at Gothenburg University
»Women Photographers – European Experiences 1845–2000«

Duncan Forbes, Senior Curator of Photography at the Scottish National Photography Collection in Edinburgh
»Wolfgang Suschitzky and the British Documentary Tradition«

22 June 2001

Vladimir Birgus, Professor of the Department of Photography, Film and Television Faculty, Prague
»Jaroslav Rössler (1902–1990)«

Krystyna Bartnik, Curator of the Prints and Drawing Department at the National Museum in Wroclaw (Breslau)
»Mieczyslaw Berman«

Margit Zuckriegl, Curator of Contemporary Art at the Collection of the Province of Salzburg Rupertinum and Director of the National Collection of Fine Art Photography of Austria
»Václav Zykmund – A Czech photographer anticipating Fluxus and Austrian Actionism?«

Nikolaus Schad, Chief of the Cardiac Section at the Washington University , St. Louis
»Schadographs – The Three Photogram-Phases of Christian Schad«

Gino Viviani, painter and Chairman of the Radiological Department at the Hospital Desio
»Generated Images – the Evolution of the Image«

A. D. Coleman, photographic critic and historian, New York
»After Critical Mass, What? A State-of-the-Craft Report on Photography Criticism«

Johan Swinnen, Director of the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Professional Education Zuyd, Maastricht
»Photography under Attack: censoring Images during the Show ‘Attack: Photography at the Edge’«