9—12 April 1981, Hotel Royal York, Bath/UK
10 April
Lecture Session 1:
The Dating of Photographs by their Visual Content
Chairman: Dr. Laurent Roosens, (Founding Member of the ESHPh, 1977), 1st President of the ESHPh, Head of Scientific Documentation and Information of Agfa-Gaevert, N.V., Mortsel/Antwerp
Chris E. Makepeace, Greater Manchester County Planning Department, Manchester
»Dating and Locating Unidentified Photographs«
Madeleine Ginsburg, Victoria & Albert Museum, London
»Fashion in Photographs«
Peter Gathercole, University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Cambridge
»The Analysis of Ethnographic Photographs from the South Pacific«
John Hannavy, Vigan College of Technology
»The Waxed Paper Process – its Characteristics and Variations«
Charles Craig, Faculty of Art and Photography, Harrow
»Documentary Photography in Britain from 1939 to 1945 – Implication or Evidence?«
Michael Simkin, Birmingham Polytechnic
»A Brief Illustrated History of the Magic Lantern and the Growth of Optical Projection«
11 April
Lecture Session 2:
Problems Encountered in Teaching the History of Photography
Chairman: Professor Margaret Harker, (Founding Member of the ESHPh, 1977), Vice-President of the ESHPh, Egdean/Sussex
G. M. Gidley, University of Exter
»An English University’s Programme in the History of Photography«
Alistair Crawford, Visual Art Department at the University College of Wales
»The History of Photography as a Distinct Discipline«
Toni de Renzio, Canterbury College of Art, Kent
»Walter Benjamin, Photography and Art«
Stevie Bezencenet, London College of Printing
»Comments on a Materialist Approach to Photographic History«
Elliott Rubenstein, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York State
»Determinants in Employing Photo-Historical Texts in Teaching«
12 April
Lecture Session 3:
The Documentation of Photo-Historical Information
Chairman: Colin Ford, (Founding Member of the ESHPh, 1977), Board of the ESHPh, Keeper of Film and Photography The National Portrait Gallery, London
Laurent Roosens, President of the ESHPh
»Patents as a Source in Historical Research«
Bernard Marbot, Bibliothèque nationale, Cabinet des Estampes et de la Photographie, Paris
»Searching through French 19th century Photographic Reviews: programme, method, future action«
Sara F. Stevenson, Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh
»The Hill and Adamson Calotypes: Problems in Cataloguing a Specialist Collection«
Roger Holman, National Film Archive, The British Film Institute, London
»Computerization of Records and Catalogue Production at the National Film Archive«
R. M. Callender, Archivist to Wanlockead Museum Trust
»Photo-Technique serves Photo-History«
Gabor Szilagyi, President of the Committee for the History of Photography of the Association of Artist Photographers, Budapest
»100 years of Photo-Historical Information, 1872-1975: An Hungarian Experience in Building and Archive of Photo-Historical Data«