Category: 2018 — CAIRO / EXHIBITION

Opening Exhibition & Roundtable

The City and the Territory ─ Imagining Cairo and Egypt

Daniela Keiser “Ar & Or”, STAMPA Galerie Basel 2010

Thursday, 15th March 2018
18:00 hrs – Bayt al Sennari, Cairo
The exhibition can be visited until 25th March (daily from 10:00─18:00 hrs). Admission free.

Accurate portrayal of reality or colonial exoticism and romanticizing orientalism? – How did European photographers capture Egypt on film in the course of the past two centuries after the invention of photography in 1839? And, what about the other way round: How did and do Egyptian photography artists perceive grand Umm el Dunya? What are the differences between the two cultures, what has changed in the course of time and which are the positions today ─ these are the topics which the remarkable exhibition The City and the Territory ─ Imagining Cairo and Egypt will be exploring. The opening of the exhibition will take place on Thursday, 18th March at 18:00 hrs at Bayt al Sennari in Cairo and will be inaugurated by H.E. Dr. Mostafa el Fekki, Director of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina.